Easy Stress-Busting Tips for Your Kids and You!

Stress-Proof Your Kid

In this free webinar, you will learn how to use self-help acupressure to get ahead of anxiety and stress. You will experience how to find your breath, ways to relieve stress, what to do to get better sleep, and boost your immune system.

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Changing Patterns

Rivers of Energy

I love being around young children. One reason is that I’ve never grown up, and I love to play! Could also be because they can so quickly go from one project to another and just have fun! They can change patterns with ease.

Another reason is that I love how they so easily step into whatever they notice is making a positive difference in their lives and make sure they keep on doing it. I see that in every family and every classroom that starts using the Daily Clean Your House Flow™.

Ask young folks what they’re noticing different in their lives and you’ll get answers!

When I was in Minnesota visiting family, I showed my two great nieces the Daily Clean Your House Flow animated video. The 7-year-old was thrilled! Presley loved the video itself and with a great big smile said, “Aunt Deb, I’m feeling this buzzy happening.” Morgan, the 9-year-old was introduced to self-help acupressure through her mom, and grandma saw that it was a fun way to do her energy work. And she loved the book I’ve written.

The next day, Morgan shared what she had learned with her teacher, and he invited her to teach her classmates. They sat around in a circle, and she walked them through the Daily Flow. The next day the same scenario took place. That happened to be the day of standardized testing. The teacher noticed something different in the room. His students were calm, focused and not in angst over the test. And they did better than ever before.

Show and Tell

Mr. Weiss asked Morgan whether Aunt Deb would be able to come to the classroom, show the video and teach them about self-care. Well, of course, I’m going to show up for that and luckily there was one more day before I had to leave.

Mr. Weiss and I had a great conversation before the students filed into the classroom. He said that it was noticeable how centered the kids were for the test the day before. And how the Daily Flow had helped with calming and breathing.

Meet the Author

The 4th graders were thrilled that a “real author” was in their classroom, and they had lots of questions about writing a book. They, of course, were all over the animated video. I had to tell them I wasn’t the illustrator! But we spent time talking about how the video came about. And they loved how much fun it was to do the Daily Flow to the video.

And then came the questions about acupressure and what they can do for themselves. Keep in mind that this group of kids were never previously introduced to acupressure or energy balancing. They did not know about acupuncture so I couldn’t make a comparison. So I had lots of fun teaching and sharing. I loved that the kids realized that THEY can make changes happen. Changing patterns is easy when you know how. Questions revolved around aches and pain, studying and tests, doing better in sports and activities.

In the end, I said, “So you’ve now done the Daily Clean Your House Flow three days in a row. I’m getting that many of you plan to continue doing the Daily Flow. Right???  So what change have you seen that makes you WANT to do the Daily Clean Your House Flow?”

What Kids Say

Their responses brought smiles to my face:

  • One girl said, “I slept last night. That is different.”
  • Another said, “My brother and I are getting along. Now that’s crazy.”
  • And a young man said, “I don’t like tests, and I never do good. Yesterday I did good on the test.”

Now, really? Nine-year-olds not sleeping? Nine-year-olds stressed over studying and tests? Kids recognizing that a relationship had changed in three days? That had to be a significant shift for it to be aware of it.

Changing Patterns

I’m excited that kids are seeing changes happening when they do their Daily Clean Your House Flow! Check out the website to read more comments from the children, their teachers, and their parents. Go to www.dailycleanyourhouseflow.com to see the first 90 seconds of the animated video and see how easy it is for both kids and adults to learn and then want to do their daily energy work!

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January is National Mentoring Month

Students and Mentor

Where is time going? Have you heard that question from your children? Time is passing so fast and it seems like every minute is filled with stuff that has to get done. No wonder our children are experiencing stress and the feeling of “not enough time.” We’re the best models of that behavior!

Here is a suggestion that I would like to share with you. Be a mentor to your very own children! Mentoring is simply a way to ensure that our young people have the support they need to discover success. It’s an attitude and a way of being.

What Makes a Mentor?

A mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser who can be instrumental as a guide, counselor, confidant, trainer, teacher, or tutor. Granted it wold be great to spread the wealth and mentor others as well, but if you can’t fit it in to your schedule, at least discover and utilize the skills with your own children.

Or maybe you mentor another family and those parents mentor your children. Sometimes it really makes sense to get different perspectives and who better than someone you already know and trust? At the very core, mentoring children guarantees that there is someone who cares about them and makes them feel like they matter.

Reasons to Be a Mentor

What better person than a mentor to help a child, no matter their age, to move forward towards goals and objectives that YOU help them realize?

Mentoring, at its core, guarantees young people that there is someone who cares about them, assures them they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges, and makes them feel like they matter. Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of personal, academic, and professional situations. Ultimately, mentoring connects a young person to personal growth and development, and social and economic opportunity. Yet one in three young people will grow up without this critical asset.

When you’re spending time with your own children or others in that mentoring mode, plan on doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow before you “get down to whatever is happening that day.” It will help everything go smoother, even homework!

Photo credit: Northern Ireland Executive viaFoter.com / CC BY-ND

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Mentoring is a Way to Create Success for Our Children

Child of the Universe

Mentoring is a way to share with our children. It seems appropriate to contemplate what we can do for the children in our communities as we celebrate National Mentoring Month during January.

How You Can Help

Mentoring doesn’t have to take a huge amount of time. It can easily be a short period of time in your week. Contact one of your local schools to see how you could participate in any of their programs. Or go to www.mentoring.org to see how that organization can get you on the mentoring track.

Everybody Wins with Mentoring

When you’re contemplating the possibility of becoming a mentor, consider these positive effects noted on their website:

  • Students who meet regularly with their mentors are 52% less likely than their peers to skip a day of school and 37% less likely to skip a class. (Public/Private Ventures study of Big Brothers Big Sisters)
  • Young adults who face an opportunity gap but have a mentor are 55% more likely to be enrolled in college than those who did not have a mentor. (The Mentoring Effect, 2014)
  • In addition to better school attendance and a better chance of going on to higher education, mentored youth maintain better attitudes toward school. (The Role of Risk, 2013)

If you decide to become a mentor, let me know how it goes! And a suggestion is to make use of the Daily Clean Your House Flow when you get together with the young person you’re working with. Both of you will discover how much more you get accomplished and how much better you feel!

Life Is So Very Full

And yet it is so very important to find ways to help our children discover success at home, school, and in all of their activities.

The children, parents and teachers I work with have found that doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow (a self-help acupressure flow) helps increase focus, attention, and productivity. It reduces stress and anxiety and helps balance emotions. So imagine what benefits are being seen when a classroom of kids are doing the Daily Flow together! And it takes less than 10 minutes to watch the video!

Mentoring is another way to ensure that our young people have the support they need to discover success. At the very core, it guarantees that there is someone who cares about them and makes them feel like they matter. A mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser who can be instrumental as a guide, counselor, confidant, trainer, teacher, or tutor. What better person than a mentor to help a child, no matter their age, to move forward towards goals and objectives that YOU help them realize?

Photo credit: opensourceway viaFoter.com / CC BY-SA

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Self-esteem and Gratitude

Confident Kid

Self-esteem and Gratitude

Self-esteem and gratitude. Those two really “big words” are being batted about. Have you ever thought of how they go together?   

The Building of Self-esteem

First off, let’s look at self-esteem. It is a real important attribute to have, especially for children. A child with a high level of self-esteem will easily be able to step into all the possibilities available to her because she can actually see her options. But even before she can get to that place, that thing called self-esteem needs to be shaped by perception — her own and those of important people in her life.

Then comes a sense of security and belonging, a place where there is a degree of safety and comfort. From that space, your child can move into having goals that give her purpose and direction and allow her to achieve her desires. “Your child will feel empowered and in control of events when she is able to make or influence decisions that she considers important.”

For the entire article “Helping Your Child Develop a Healthy Sense of self-esteem,” go to https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/gradeschool/Pages/Helping-Your-Child-Develop-A-Healthy-Sense-of-Self-Esteem.aspx. The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes that our children need to be fully engaged with recognizing their possibilities before they can even take the steps to reach their end objectives.

Creating The Space For self-esteem

How do we help our children have a sense of purpose that allows them to channel their energy toward achievement and self-expression?

All of us, no matter our age, are walking around in bodies that are hungry for an energetic balance that will enable us to have clarity, have direction, be creative, be productive and experience success. We can more easily be there when we help our bodies discover what it feels like and then consistently remind them how to be in that space.

There’s an easy-to-do self-help acupressure flow called the Daily Clean Your House Flow that helps our bodies create the foundation for all that we want for our children. Check it out! There is a purpose for each of the nine poses that will assist your child to reach her full potential. And the animated video of the Daily Flow makes it a real easy and fun way to bring the routine into home life and into the classroom.

Bringing self-esteem And Gratitude Together

Now For Gratitude

It’s really quite simple how self-esteem and gratitude go together. A person who has healthy self-esteem is happy and easily functions in her day-to-day life. And that person can more easily see all the good things that happen. When we recognize and acknowledge those good things, we truly are in the space of “being in gratitude.” And that is the space where more good things come from.

In this season that is so much about recognizing what the good things are, let’s help our children discover how easy it is to be there and consistently live in a state of gratitude.

I was just telling one of my clients who is an amazing writer and poet about my self-esteem and gratitude article. Vilma proceeded to say, “self-esteem without gratitude is egoism.” There you go — self-esteem and gratitude are two really great partners in life!

May all of you have the best of the two in YOUR lives! Sending “good things energy” your way! Happy Thanksgiving!

Photo credit: Frederick Homes for Sale / Foter.com / CC BY-SA

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Breath Makes the World Go Round – Even for Kids!

Originally posted on Health at Your Fingertips blog.

Children Can Let Go of Stress and Be Happier

Stress can show up in lots of ways in our bodies. As adults we can often see what that looks like and feels like. What’s sad is how many children in our world are experiencing stress. Have you noticed a young person who is experiencing loss of energy, sleeplessness, extreme up and down emotions, chronic illness (even just ongoing colds), or inability to stay on track and focused? THESE are early symptoms of stress. What’s super sad is how many children get so stressed that they end up in the throes of anxiety and even develop respiratory and digestive issues.

I see these early signals of stress in so many of the children I work with. Their parents want to help them change that picture which is why they come to see me. What’s beautiful is that their bodies “decide” they don’t have to create the bigger issues. Instead, their bodies recognize that they don’t have to respond to the stress and the stressful moments that are in the world around us.

So, what to do? The trick is to let go of stress build up and “create” a body that doesn’t experience symptoms of stress. It’s all about getting the energy to flow and helping the breath be open and expansive. When the body is more open to receiving the inhale and letting go on the exhale, there is ability for the body to create the space for a healthier way of being. The children I work with recognize huge changes taking place when they do the Daily Clean Your House Flow. And many of them do it more than once a day — because they notice that their body is happier.

Here are some of the comments that I’m hearing from the children in my life:

“I’m going to sleep as soon as I go to bed.”
“When I wake up it’s easier to get ready for school.”
“I’m not falling asleep at my desk or when I’m studying.”
“I’m not missing school because I’m not getting sick like I used to.”
“I’m getting more done and getting better grades.”
“I’m not getting in fights with my brother.”
“I’m getting along better with my friends and we’re having more fun.”

So, folks — our bodies are hungry to be in balance no matter what our age! And our bodies want breath to be happening — easily, consistently and expansively. Do the Daily Clean Your House Flow whenever your body asks for it. Remember: “There is no such thing as too much self-help!”

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Breath Makes the World Go Round – Even for Kids!

tiny ballerinas in pink tutusChildren Can Let Go of Stress and Be Happier

Stress can show up in lots of ways in our bodies. As adults we can often see what that looks like and feels like. What’s sad is how many children in our world are experiencing stress. Have you noticed a young person who is experiencing loss of energy, sleeplessness, extreme up and down emotions, chronic illness (even just ongoing colds), or inability to stay on track and focused? THESE are early symptoms of stress. What’s super sad is how many children get so stressed that they end up in the throes of anxiety and even develop respiratory and digestive issues.

I see these early signals of stress in so many of the children I work with. Their parents want to help them change that picture which is why they come to see me. What’s beautiful is that their bodies “decide” they don’t have to create the bigger issues. Instead, their bodies recognize that they don’t have to respond to the stress and the stressful moments that are in the world around us.

So, what to do? The trick is to let go of stress build up and “create” a body that doesn’t experience symptoms of stress. It’s all about getting the energy to flow and helping the breath be open and expansive. When the body is more open to receiving the inhale and letting go on the exhale, there is ability for the body to create the space for a healthier way of being. The children I work with recognize huge changes taking place when they do the Daily Clean Your House Flow. And many of them do it more than once a day — because they notice that their body is happier.

Here are some of the comments that I’m hearing from the children in my life:

“I’m going to sleep as soon as I go to bed.”

“When I wake up it’s easier to get ready for school.”

“I’m not falling asleep at my desk or when I’m studying.”

“I’m not missing school because I’m not getting sick like I used to.”

“I’m getting more done and getting better grades.”

“I’m not getting in fights with my brother.”

“I’m getting along better with my friends and we’re having more fun.”

So, folks — our bodies are hungry to be in balance no matter what our age! And our bodies want breath to be happening — easily, consistently and expansively. Do the Daily Clean Your House Flow whenever your body asks for it. Remember: “There is no such thing as too much self-help!”

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Sharing the Wealth

HPumpkin Pieow can it already be Thanksgiving? Where has the year gone? And where are we going?

I’m not quite ready for it to be the holiday season, but I’m willing to go along on the ride. I love Thanksgiving Day and prepping and enjoying the feast with family and friends. It’s more than the feast. I love reflecting on how much has transpired this past year, the beautiful people I have in my life who have helped me get to where I am in this moment, and how thankful I am that I have joy and excitement in my days.

I am in the midst of creating an exciting and amazing project that will allow me to share how easy it is to walk around in a happy and balanced body. With LOTS of help and guidance, I am creating a program that will easily be used in school classrooms. It will teach children energy balancing self-help. It’s close to being released and I can hardly wait until the day I say, “It’s here!”

I have a long list of family, friends, and colleagues whom I want to thank but it would take up several pages. I am one very lucky woman to even be able to say that — and to be able to say that clients and students are included in that list of friends and connections!

What is very important for me to do is to say this: “I am blessed with knowing each and every one of you, with experiencing your guidance, your love and your desire for me to do well. I am thrilled that I get to do what I do in my world, and I am honored that you allow me to participate in your health and wellness.”

My desire for you is this, “Be in joy, be in balance and be in breath.”

Sending you blessings and best wishes for a fantastic Thanksgiving!


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